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"A Former Board member's view from the OTHER side of the table."
Molalla River "BoardWatch" Website

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It's a good time to pray for terrorist victims!

Since the Board of Education will no longer be providing video-taping for cablecast (effective July, 2002), suspended delivery of the "Molalla River Reporter" and stopped communication with the "Educational Ambassadors" (September, 2002) I have tried to provide information regarding education concerns for interested persons:


Molalla River School District
Board of Education — Minutes
Executive Session
January 9, 2003

Board members present:  Mary Beyer, Karyn Gibbons, Ralph Gierke, Steve Kraxberger,
                                                Deneen Munson, Jim Needham, Janette Palmer
Staff present:                       Alice Ericksen/Superintendent, Kathy Nickoloff/Director of
Human Resources, Pam Monte/Administrative Assistant

Audience: Larry Owings, Bill Dalavo

Chair Janette Palmer called the meeting of the Molalla River School District Board of Education to order at 6:50 p.m. and established that a quorum was present.

The purpose of this meeting is to allow the Board of Education to consider records that are exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.660, section 1:

(e) - Real Property Transactions
(a) - Personnel
(a) - Negotiations

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Chair                              Superintendent
