What IS Systemic Change?

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"A Former Board member's view from the OTHER side of the table."
Molalla River "BoardWatch" Website

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It's a good time to pray for terrorist victims!

Since the Board of Education will no longer be providing video-taping for cablecast (effective July, 2002), suspended delivery of the "Molalla River Reporter" and stopped communication with the "Educational Ambassadors" (September, 2002) I have tried to provide information regarding education concerns for interested persons:


Molalla River School District
Board of Education

Business Meeting
Thursday, January 9, 2003
Molalla City Library
201 E Fifth St., Molalla

ExecutiveSession-6:45 p.m.
ORS 192.660(1). (a)-Personnel
(e) - Real Property Transactions
7:30 p.m.


I.    Call to Order/Establish a Quorum                                                              (Chair Janette Palmer)
       A. Flag Salute

II.   Welcome and Introductions                                                                                                       (Chair)
       A. Principals Introduction & Report

III. Review/Changes or Additions to Agenda                                                                                 (Chair)

IV. Public Comments                                                                                                                          (Chair)
Reminder that statements by members of the public should be concise and will be limited to 3 minutes

V.   Action Items
       A. Second Reading/Adoption Reading of Policies                                                            (Kraxberger)
            1. CCA - Organizational Chart
            2. EFA - Nutrition Program
            3. IGAE - Health Education Program
            4. JGCG/JFCH/JFCI - Tobacco, Alcohol or Drugs
       B. 2002-2003 Standards Assurance Report                                                                 (Dr. Ericksen)
       C. 2003-2004 MHS Program of Studies                                                              (High School Staff)
       D. PERS Liability Bonds                                                                                              (Dave Peterson)
       E. Participation in OSBA's Appeal of PERS Rates                                                    (Dr. Ericksen)
       F. Sale of Hwy 211 Property                                                                                        (Larry Owings)

VI.  Information/Discussion
       A. Metro School Districts' Resolution Regarding Stable K-12 Funding             (Dr. Ericksen)

VII. Consent Agenda (Chair)
       A. Approve Bills
       B. Approve Minutes
            1. December 5, 2002 - Worksession
            2. December 12, 2002-Executive Session, Regular Meeting
            3. December 17, 2002 - Executive Session, Special Meeting
       C. Personnel Report
VIII. Old Business
       A. Roundtables                                                                                                                  (Dr. Ericksen)

IX. Review (Chair)
       A. Public Comment
       B. Board Review of Meeting
X. Adjourn